
Tweets Diary for 2012/10/25

14:51 Garbivore: A fourth classification of animal in the food chain behind Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore that eats only garbage.
14:30 四分之一日本在华企业有正在考虑撤出在中国的投资
14:26 RT @Bequelin: Hu Jia (@hu_jia) leaves Beijing for Anhui hometown w. Police, told to stay there and offline until end of Party Congress
14:18 RT @KyodoChinese: 详讯:4艘中国海监船驶入尖阁诸岛附近日本领海: 据日本第11管区海上保安总部(那霸)透露,25日早晨6点半左右,该海保总部的巡逻船发现有3艘中国海监船驶入尖阁诸岛(中国称钓鱼岛)南小岛附近的日本领... http://t.co/iGeUY9ck
11:33 @chenshaoju @tifan 有好多都沒封也不想封的 VLK, 網上流傳出的就有五六個...而且 XP 都要停止支持了, 萎軟也不會再現在繼續更新封鎖列表了...
11:20 @tifan VLK 的授權號
09:49 *Moses*' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @junyu
05:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
00:34 [G] 10 月 24 日: 10 月 24 日 Google 向更多用户测试新式导航栏 [Search Engine Roundtable] Google Drives 应用在 Chrome Web Store 应用商店... http://t.co/RiNOOHnm
00:18 RT @aiww: 我上传了一个 @YouTube 视频 http://t.co/iyFmtOkO 草泥马style
00:18 RT @aiww: 《江南style》 http://t.co/j4UoiXFn
23:13 RT @shanghaiist: Ai Weiwei Gangnam Style http://t.co/dUn4q1Ls
22:57 RT @spotHour: 【热】RT @appleDaxia 和老爸聊天,帮他处理电脑问题于是使用了远程访问,后来没有关。我跟爸说,"爸我想买个pad看书",于是我看到了爸在那边打字:"要多少钱啊",然后逐字删掉,换上另一句话:"买呗"。 (via人人网)
22:37 RT @bbcchinese: 台灣造成十二人死亡, 數十多人受傷的新營醫院火災,當局調查發現是遭到一名醫院的病患縱火。 http://t.co/E2Fitv7e
21:08 G+: 甘肃又一藏人自焚身亡 http://t.co/wofoOVsa
20:53 自由西藏组织的消息指出,今年约六十岁的藏人多杰仁青在甘肃省拉卜楞寺的一个军营附近把衣服点上火自焚 http://t.co/oUb2u2Li
20:22 G+: Conclusive Proof That There Is No God and Humans Are Essentially Evil | VICE http://t.co/IIFOZCzB
20:22 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/kFnJoG8M (Nena- 99luft Balons)
19:51 #Google 向更多用户测试新式导航栏
19:51 #Google Drives 应用在 Chrome Web Store 应用商店上架变为多個
19:51 #Google App Engine SDK 更新至 1.7.3
19:47 探秘Google数据中心 http://t.co/6ee4lSZg
19:46 Nikon matching Canon with 70-200mm f4 lens http://t.co/WDarXbOj
19:45 'Jesus,' 'welcome' join list of worst passwords - CNET http://t.co/41425cpJ
19:45 Google Drive apps reach the Chrome Web Store and Chrome OS for ... http://t.co/OF1XQIxE
19:42 App Engine 1.7.3 Released http://t.co/ejX5MhFR
19:41 Google 'Docs, Sheets and Slides' Launch in Chrome Web Store http://t.co/JicbP1C7
19:39 Google releases Windows 8 search app - PCWorld http://t.co/41425cpJ
19:38 Google's Top Down Navigation Has Bugs http://t.co/8NeeZ1fa
19:10 2013 年国际广播五大台中将只剩下 VOA 和 RFI 有对中国的普通话广播了
19:05 DW 将停止短波中文广播
16:19 RT @slashdot: BBC Turns Off CEEFAX Service After 38 Years http://t.co/H0nttKzU
16:09 Walk blocker:A person that suddenly stops when they are walking right in front of another.
16:09 blabber infection: The condition that a person who goes "blah blah blah" suffers from.
15:48 @allenaij 加泰羅尼西亞
15:38 http://t.co/lgZMLkPv ...
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