
Tweets Diary for 2012/09/30

09:52 Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @junyu @rigobertogodoy @CJSELITESUITS
09:20 @inntran @tifan 那王千源呢...
09:04 RT @livid: 如果一个网站的 Safari 用户比率持续提高,那么 Alexa rank 就会降。
08:49 G+: BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 缅甸总统"接受昂山素季当总统" http://t.co/OqGi1Een
08:44 RT @aiww: 悲喜交集 RT @MyMyHeyHey_Ding: 双节快乐RT @aiww: 快乐
08:35 @chemhack @inntran @tifan 論毛左和 12306ng 的相似性: NoSQL 类数据库火;中國經濟就是好; PHP用的广泛,中共是最先進文化; LAMP,三個代表;数据库分区,八榮八恥;要开源,要共產;
07:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
06:12 更新 VMware Station 到 9
05:16 RT @jiehanzheng: 突然想起小时候想到的一个看法:把笔记本电脑关上以后,盖子上的字和 logo 是正着的话,说明这笔记本是设计给用户本人用的,比如 ThinkPad;字是倒着的话,这笔记本是设计打开以后和别人显摆用的,比如那什么芝和那什么尼,还有那什么果
05:07 RT @WSongw: 【爆料】北京潮流情报 :我们叫网上银行,为网银。简练,易懂。问题是:手机银行,该怎么叫呢? 这个疑问一直困扰到现在。。。。今天工行真的叫出来了。。。。。 http://t.co/gXElwO3U
00:00 [G] 9 月 29 日: 9 月 29 日 Google 台灣庆祝教师节 (→ 2012 年 9 月 18 日, 2012 年 6 月 30 日, 2012 年 6 月 23 日, 2012 年 5 月 17 日, 2... http://t.co/MCfzsT1x
22:30 NHK 播了日中邦交 40 週年的特别节目
21:15 G+: 友好人士对日中关系走向倍感茫然 | 共同网 http://t.co/lg75WKek
20:57 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/ryHldFhT (Vangelis - El Greco (Whole Album))
20:42 @Aether classic
20:31 #Google 台灣更改 Logo 庆祝教师节
20:31 #Google Maps 增加世界大量地区高清晰度 45° 鸟瞰地图数据
20:31 #Google 宣布关闭一下服务和功能:AdSense for Feeds,Google 自定义背景,Google storage,Spreadsheet 小工具,Google News 徽章,Android 版 Places Directory,Webmaster工具+1 报告
20:30 iOS 版 #Gmail 更新至 1.3.1415, 支持 iOS 6
20:29 iOS 版 #Google Voice 更新至 1.4.2
20:29 iOS 版 #Google Drive 更新至 1.1.1
20:29 #Google 航班搜索结果为手持设备优化
20:29 #YouTube 测试新版介面
20:27 Google's "Spring" Cleaning In Fall: AdSense For Feeds, Classic Plus, and Spreadsheet Gadgets Get The Axe http://t.co/a40ILZZp
20:24 More spring cleaning http://t.co/OfsdpAl9
20:22 Google Launches A New Tablet-Optimized User Interface For Flight Search http://t.co/NW1PyH8b
20:21 Google Updates Gmail For iOS With Support For The iPhone 5′s Larger Screen http://t.co/WDtep63c
20:21 Imagery Update: Virtually visit more places in high-resolution http://t.co/VTffN3IQ
20:20 Google Launches Remarketing in Search in Beta http://t.co/8cU8K48R
20:19 Google Maps, Now With More High-Res Satellite And 45° Aerial Imagery http://t.co/ch5JuhZu
20:17 Google Taiwan Logo – 教師節快樂! http://t.co/a7GmG2R9
20:17 YouTube's Updated Design Experiment http://t.co/3Cs3Bi3J
20:12 Fwd: 洛桑桑盖呼吁国际社会支持西藏人权 - http://t.co/lMEuuy9T... http://t.co/HeLeJw2F
20:11 Fwd: 薄王案背后利益链曝光 香港媒体促当局加强监管 - http://t.co/m7bcctAc (via http://t.co/4SLFF7dR) http://t.co/6lrYfeaF
20:11 Fwd: 港媒:胡习联手除薄为十八大解结 - http://t.co/a7Jpwh8O (via... http://t.co/Iwx6dwkv
17:39 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 分析:严惩薄熙来让胡温阵营胜出 http://t.co/L0Yk72Xg
17:39 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - "薄熙来下场证文革模式是死路" http://t.co/r75J6ygN
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)


Tweets Diary for 2012/09/29

13:23 Photobomb:An otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph.
12:24 RT @tifan: RT @quakewang: @lordhong 和多名女性有不正当关系,儿子出国留学,副手叛逃,老婆被判死缓刑,不愧是毛主席的继承人啊。
07:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
06:00 RT @bbcchinese: 洛桑桑盖呼吁国际社会支持西藏人权: 西藏流亡政府总理洛桑桑盖在全球藏人大会上,呼吁国际向中国施压,迫使中国停止压迫西藏。 http://t.co/jaoJjUmR
01:33 可以定义自然数了
01:33 还有提拔...提拔提拔薄熙来的人的人...的人 都可以用 "用人失察" 的罪名...
01:32 G+: 中国海上有争议岛屿到底属谁? | 媒体看中国 | | 28.09.2012 http://t.co/Eeg4dUeC
01:28 RT @ZhMinYH: RT @fqq1000 薄熙来用人失察? 那提拔薄熙来的人干嘛去了?...。 这罪名,真脑残
01:16 RT @USA_China_Talk: 美国人大多不过中秋,也不吃月饼。不过在美国,有一种食品和月饼有异曲同工之妙。那就是圣诞节传统食物--水果蛋糕。和大部分蛋糕的松软易碎不同,水果蛋糕特别硬,保质期也特别长。 http://t.co/uIdRVKKH
01:16 RT @USA_China_Talk: 美国人大多不过中秋,也不吃月饼。不过在美国,有一种食品和月饼有异曲同工之妙。那就是圣诞节传统食物--水果蛋糕。
01:12 所谓战胜国战败国的问题已经在战后几�和约和公报中都解决了, 所以才是才叫和约...又重新提起显得很没水平
00:54 总结条约就是, 马关条约中割让的台�部分不包括钓鱼台, 而在旧金山合约中, 日本放弃了台�权利, 但亦没有把台�权利给中�
00:46 日本外务省用马关条约做法理依据恰恰是正中了要害, 因为之後的合约都没有关于都没有改变台�的法律状态...
00:38 若要使�分�款恢�原�, 除了另���之外��他法
00:33 认为马关条约没有法律效力的才是法盲...
23:10 G+: 尼尔•伍德真是死于氰化物中毒吗?/法医王雪梅 http://t.co/BAooJ01u
23:10 G+: 法医王雪梅质疑尼尔・伍德死因为谷开来案更添迷雾 http://t.co/h5YOXKnC
23:10 G+: 法律专家:薄熙来可能被判死缓或死刑 http://t.co/QmpoxsPz
21:41 梵蒂冈称记录有耶稣妻子的古埃及草纸是赝品
21:36 RT@BreakingNews Ancient papyrus frag containing 1st recorded mention that Jesus may have had wife is fake,Vatican says http://t.co/rGoBMyaL
21:10 给薄瓜瓜逃脱了
21:04 Subway salmon:The people who insist on going up a stairway or down a stairway while all the people are going in the opposite direction
20:51 G+: 打印此新闻 日本针对杨洁篪讲话行使答辩权称“尖阁列岛”(钓鱼岛)为 ... http://t.co/2xOXqTRK
20:51 G+: 日发言人在联合国对中国反日抗议表示关切 呼吁中方着眼于更广阔的日中关系 http://t.co/J5RJQNLc
20:51 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 薄熙来被双开并移交司法机关处理 http://t.co/NDd1kYSE
20:51 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 中共宣布十八大会期 出乎普遍预料 http://t.co/c9cXNzN5
20:51 G+: Takagi Masakatsu - Angje http://t.co/7cfIwLDV
20:43 [G] 9 月 28 日: 9 月 28 日 Google 澳洲纪念澳洲原住民作家, 发明家, 演说家戴维・乌奈庞 (David Unaipon) 诞辰 140 �年 This post... http://t.co/YZgX58J2
20:30 #Google 澳洲更改 Logo 纪念澳洲原住民作家, 发明家, 演说家戴维・乌奈庞 (David Unaipon) 诞辰 140 �年
20:29 #Chrome 更新至 23.0.1271.10
20:29 #Gmail 开始支持开放的 CardDAV 联系人同步协议
20:29 #Google 发布 Android 版 Field Trip 应用
20:29 #Google Places API 开始支持 Google Places Query Autocomplete 功能
20:29 #Google DFA Reporting API 更新至 1.1
20:29 在屏蔽 YouTube 关联视频後, 巴西释放 #Google 在地负责人
20:29 面向 Chromebooks 的 #Chrome 更新至 23.0.1271.11 (平台版本: 2913.27.0)
20:29 #Google 宣布 Google Trends 和 Insights for Search 整合为一�产品
20:29 #Google 对相关搜索关键字结果显示可直接播放的电影预告片
20:25 Google Places Autocomplete Now Includes Queries http://t.co/Nothu1jH
20:23 Google Merges Trends And Insights For Search, Expands Hot ... http://t.co/1o2qB1Zz
20:22 Dev Channel Update for Chrome OS http://t.co/UBPPkr2s
20:21 Adobe to revoke code signing certificate for Windows - CNET (blog) http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:21 Google Australia Logo – David Unaipon’s 140th Birthday http://t.co/hbmo1RMb
20:19 "Google Launches FieldTrip, A Location-Aware App That Helps You Find Cool Stuff Around You | TechCrunch" ( http://t.co/DSxwnOwQ )
20:16 Google Now Lets You Watch Movie Trailers Directly On Its Search Results Pages http://t.co/yNkXST6G
20:15 Google exec released in Brazil http://t.co/6ZDdZejT
20:13 DFA Reporting API Version 1.1 Released http://t.co/qS314xks
20:13 Dev Channel Update http://t.co/FqiKC5Pc
20:11 A new way to sync Google Contacts http://t.co/kPEJKXh1
19:54 Fwd: 克林顿促中日岛屿之争“保持冷静” - http://t.co/f9s4dUZD (via... http://t.co/DS4l7iCH
19:54 Fwd: 野田:按国际法解决领土争端 中方驳斥 -... http://t.co/EHYWlrnS
19:54 Fwd: 尼泊尔小型飞机失事五中国人丧生 - http://t.co/bymo7pGn (via... http://t.co/8sSy6ziF
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 简要新闻 - 德国起诉两名俄罗斯间谍 http://t.co/OjohCBAq
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 英国报摘 - 英国报摘:英首相联大演讲抨击中俄 http://t.co/JJzWXhE9
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 英媒:香港富豪为同志女儿重金招婿 http://t.co/PcFV07ga
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 英媒:中国月饼与时俱进 功能齐全 http://t.co/rIU26VEx
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 朝鲜 烂尾酒店内部照片曝光 http://t.co/s8d8fpEy
16:27 G+: BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 日本反驳杨洁篪演讲 毫无根据 http://t.co/xoAdBEwY
15:08 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 中国一机长遭举报传染艾滋病被停飞 http://t.co/SUSOrRWK
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)


Tweets Diary for 2012/09/28

14:39 @goldengrape 之前已经有过白人活佛了呀
11:45 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 中国高检法医质疑谷开来谋杀案证据 http://t.co/UMEqnw5W
11:35 RT @GuestsZhen: 擦!被人說中了,珠海熊貓(蘇)正在趕來我家的路上。未知所為何事。。
09:52 Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @CulturadelMundo @0pdam @fuzheado
05:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
02:16 RT @bbcchinese: 视频:达赖向中国新领导作出呼吁: 达赖喇嘛在BBC采访中呼吁中国新领导以全方位思考谋求中国长远利益。 http://t.co/pViLkZJe
02:16 [G] 9 月 27 日: 9 月 27 日 Google 慶祝 Google 誕生 14 週年 This post has been generated by Page2RSS http://t.co/qZwKoI5X
01:20 @chenshaoju 官方文档说 DOS 6.0 的 himem.sys 已经支持最大 4G 内存了, 而且你的 DOS 已经在 UMB 了, 试试 MEM /C 和 MEM /D~~~
01:03 @chenshaojuhttp://t.co/1qPHXIL8 里的 setxmsto.exe 应该就可以了 (我没试)
00:40 @chenshaoju 嗯...记错了 是 himem.sys............
00:37 @chenshaoju config.sys 里直接加载... device=c:\path\emm386.exe xxx device=c:\path\himem.exe 什么的, 还要把 DOS 放到内存顶端去...
00:26 @chenshaoju 把 Windows 3.2 的 himem 复制过去就能用多于 64M 了~~~
21:38 @pubuhan 你幹的
21:04 G+: http://t.co/uifSjwBa - The sex engine™ http://t.co/E6XEYqGM
21:04 G+: Nature News Blog: Buddhist 'Iron Man' found by Nazis is from space : Nature News Blog http://t.co/gQ2kWOLr
20:58 eMule 官方版本已经超过 2 年没更新了...
20:40 WFIO: A business acronym standing for "We're fucked it's over"
20:18 G+: 自由之家:中国互联网控制系统最先进 http://t.co/QbuoeElz
20:10 一個 Gmail 釣魚網頁 http://t.co/RKTgTflc
20:07 @abingor 所以你又穿越了 →_→
20:05 @abingor 你 17 小時前又 RT 了我 6 月 19 日的一條推 →_→
20:02 @abingor 你又穿越了嗎
20:00 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/NfIFPp70 (Tatsuhiko Asano - Lemonade [Genny Haniver])
19:47 #Google 更改動畫 Logo 慶祝 Google 誕生 14 週年
19:47 #Google Takeout 增加 YouTube 視頻批量導出功能
19:47 #Google Play 電子市場達到 250 億次點擊, 開始提供慶祝折扣特供
19:47 Android 版 #YouTube 更新, 介面大改版
19:47 iOS 版 #AdMob SDK 更新至 6.2
19:46 #Chrome β 版更新至 22.0.1229.91
19:46 #Chrome OS 管理控制台頁面更新
19:46 #Google Apps 中的 Google Docs 不再支持導出成舊版 Office 格式文檔
19:46 #Google 阿克拉荷馬數據中心開始使用風能
19:46 巴西因為 #YouTube 拒絕刪除一個視頻而逮捕一名 Google 負責人
19:44 Google Apps axes export support for .doc and other old Microsoft Office formats - ZDNet http://t.co/41425cpJ
19:41 Chrome OS Management Console Update http://t.co/vW9Bz9KQ
19:40 Migrating to AdMob v6.2 for iOS http://t.co/fmLz8RGx
19:40 Chrome for Android Update http://t.co/E1UTbfxU
19:39 YouTube Rolls Out Android Update, Offers More Features, New UI To Froyo And Gingerbread Devices http://t.co/KkxXE1DB
19:37 Beta Channel Update http://t.co/TYaLRmVi
19:37 Your YouTube original videos now available in Google Takeout http://t.co/xJFCvedk
19:36 "Google Now Lets You Download All Your YouTube Videos In One Archive" ( http://t.co/tAYFyzWY )
19:33 "Google Play hits 25 billion downloads | Official Android Blog" ( http://t.co/HkSe2Xqs )
19:31 Brazil orders arrest of Google executive #thecircuit - Washington Post (blog) http://t.co/41425cpJ
19:30 Google to use wind energy for Oklahoma data center http://t.co/rdksldxR
19:30 New Java flaw could hit 1 billion users http://t.co/6UCYrNA0
19:28 Google Logo – Google 生誕14周年 http://t.co/PUtcRPRY
19:26 Fwd: 釣魚台爭議 陸日訴諸聯合國 - http://t.co/EgrqmeHM (via http://t.co/B5S6J1g0) http://t.co/e8WztO7n
19:26 Fwd: 北韩间谍:曾收到暗杀金正男指令 -... http://t.co/2wv107Bu
19:25 Fwd: 中国收购全球最大基因分析企业 -... http://t.co/VwZn2Lt6
16:47 RT @spotHour: 【热】RT @dt_bot ? @wkpub: 东海问题,日本讲法律,中国政府靠自古以来;南海问题,菲律宾越南讲法律,中国政府靠自古以来。转到国内,被征地者靠自古以来,中国政府开始讲法律。
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)


Tweets Diary for 2012/09/27

14:47 RT @aiww: RT @KeyLHK: RT @liu_xiaoyuan: 庭审宣判结果后,@aiww问法官是不是党员,还连说几句无耻,很愤怒!出庭后,接受媒体釆访 [pic] — http://t.co/53fZdi94
14:43 RT @bbcchinese: 艾未未告北京税务局案上诉被驳回: 中国异见艺术家艾未未状告北京税务当局案的上诉周四(9月27日)被北京市第二中级法院驳回。 http://t.co/rAd6I8xz
10:42 RT @laoyang945: 中国电子商务教父级人物老榕在微博爆料:薄熙来案10月15日前发布。老干部们今天晚上应该已经传达了。双开,法办。20年
09:53 Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @Mosesofmason @Jaqi @kcome
08:53 阿留申群島發生 6.9 級地震
05:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
01:46 @kcome 也許是 xtube...
23:46 RT @petefang: 刚才瞬间$AAPL跌到了$666.66
23:28 收到韩国來的厚厚的郵包...
22:18 I've just watched episode S06E10 of Star Trek: Voyager on #tvshowtime ! http://t.co/bowcTE78
20:34 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/9fk0umr0 (GAS - A1 (Königsforst))
20:04 #Chrome 更新至 23.0.1271.6
20:04 #Google Maps 增加大堡礁等多处海底 360° 全景
20:04 #Google Maps Street View 街景视图增加克罗地亚, 智利和安道尔街景
20:03 Android 版 #Google Maps 增加日本和法国多个机场, 博物馆的室内地图
20:03 #Chrome 稳定版更新至 22.0.1229.79
20:03 #Google 发布开源浏览器测试工具 RoboHornet http://t.co/nm9Y0Suk
20:03 面向 Chromebooks 的 #Chrome 更新至 23.0.1271.8 (平台版本: 2913.21.0)
20:03 加州州长在 #Google 总部签署新的無人驾驶汽车法案为 Google 無人驾驶汽车放行
20:02 Google Lat Long: Dive into the Great Barrier Reef with the first ... http://t.co/1YzoHZHw
20:01 Google's new 360-degree tours give you a deeper view of Great Barrier Reef - http://t.co/OyK7ITke (blog) http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:00 Google Maps Goes Diving, Provides "Seaview" Of Great Barrier ... http://t.co/A0zmmlzK
19:59 Dev Channel Update for Chrome OS http://t.co/fpcDkcqu
19:56 Dev Channel Update http://t.co/0fFkncdn
19:55 Driverless cars bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown - http://t.co/cM7CM3El http://t.co/41425cpJ
19:53 Stable Channel Update http://t.co/Mvu8AR3N
19:51 New Street View imagery in Croatia, Chile and Andorra http://t.co/UPWKEpVE
19:49 Google Brings Its Indoor Maps To France http://t.co/1YdPg815
19:48 Google Books, movies and Nexus 7 tablet head to Japan ... http://t.co/GFkvBiof
19:44 Fwd: 緬甸改革快速 衝擊東協 - http://t.co/dJUM8Ig3 (via http://t.co/bUn4AE38) http://t.co/P9XqCbau
19:44 Fwd: 流亡藏人:中国将西藏变成巨型监狱 - http://t.co/HYuN2lah (via... http://t.co/1Erk9Ccf
19:44 Fwd: 广东珠海日企罢工漫延 工人要求资方加薪 - http://t.co/O0IVivoo (via http://t.co/I62unLIs) http://t.co/wOAGgNyo
19:43 Fwd: 丹麥5人疑染新型冠狀病毒[07:42] -... http://t.co/aU4m6BFV
19:43 Fwd: 日外相:會談氣氛嚴肅[11:28] -... http://t.co/P6cXF8Rl
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)


Tweets Diary for 2012/09/26

13:27 RT @AnarkiYoung: 触目惊心!西安重伤日系车主被打视频曝光!http://t.co/5ywAMDWN
10:01 *** 第2012-09D号 2012年9月17日至9月23日,国家天文台在日面上观测到9个活 动区,发生过8次C级耀 [...] ***
09:53 Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @BILD_Politik @Towanda_Vlloa @CDTimes
08:42 ♬ #nowplaying 15 - Look Up The Number - You - The Beatles - [Past Masters Vol. 2] http://t.co/aBQsXzqO
08:38 ♬ #nowplaying Maturity - Ennio Morricone - [Cinema Paradiso Special Limite No.02] http://t.co/3EefYTtm
08:35 ♬ #nowplaying 2 Harpsichords/Strings in C BW - J.S. Bach - [The Harpsichord Concertos - Di No.01] http://t.co/egpN3ic1
08:28 ♬ #nowplaying Sonata G minor BWV 1013 - Bour - Anner Bylsma - [J.S. Bach - Violoncello Piccol No.10] http://t.co/rSEQMkSo
08:23 ♬ #nowplaying Choral No. 1 in E major - JEAN GUILLOU - [Cesar Franck - Organ works No.04] http://t.co/KO4PhOyS
08:10 ♬ #nowplaying Polythene Pam - The Beatles - [Abbey Road No.12] http://t.co/shI3YAWN
08:08 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.4 cis-m - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.08] http://t.co/a6EVZBuR
08:05 ♬ #nowplaying Lend Me Your Comb - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/PU914LJ3
08:03 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.23 H-du - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.13] http://t.co/R0sDLezy
08:02 ♬ #nowplaying Endless Water - Kitaro - [Ki No.06] http://t.co/lPw2MAHK
07:58 ♬ #nowplaying Come Together - The Beatles - [1967-1970 (Disc 2) No.09] http://t.co/m2n4f9uv
07:54 ♬ #nowplaying She Loves You - Beatles - [1962-1966 - CD1 No.04] http://t.co/wKXaHFnC
07:52 ♬ #nowplaying Yesterday - The Beatles - [Love Songs UK No.01] http://t.co/ANnka0UG
07:49 ♬ #nowplaying Chinese Invade - Philip Glass - [Kundun No.11] http://t.co/PpDbSuGm
07:42 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.22 b-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.12] http://t.co/mOMcR5JL
07:37 ♬ #nowplaying Better - Regina Spektor - [Songs for Tibet - The Art of P No.05] http://t.co/fJ7fRpLU
07:34 ♬ #nowplaying 新长征路上的摇滚 - 崔健 - [新长征路上的摇滚 No.01] http://t.co/rFTrOBd1
07:30 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.17 As-d - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.18] http://t.co/hK0RV5D2
07:28 ♬ #nowplaying Tension - Avenged Sevenfold - [Diamonds in The Rough No.06] http://t.co/1WZdsanm
07:24 ♬ #nowplaying March of the Meanies - The Beatles - [Yellow Submarine No.11] http://t.co/Kn9s80uJ
07:21 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.12 f-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.24] http://t.co/CMWiwQGa
07:18 ♬ #nowplaying KREISLER: La Gitana - Kreisler - [Original mono recordings No.15] http://t.co/d7sXJ9V5
07:15 ♬ #nowplaying Kalends of February - Jeff Beals - [Rome No.13] http://t.co/DnoJjm8y
07:13 ♬ #nowplaying Six Against One - Joseph LoDuca - [Spartacus] http://t.co/YbnFRz8K
07:10 ♬ #nowplaying Maturity - Ennio Morricone - [Cinema Paradiso Special Limite No.02] http://t.co/3EefYTtm
07:07 ♬ #nowplaying CLOSE YOUR EYES - 長渕剛 - [男たちの大和 No.22] http://t.co/2RPq5qD9
07:00 ♬ #nowplaying Sweet Blossom - Emilie Simon - [Vegetal No.04] http://t.co/CD07WVPz
06:57 ♬ #nowplaying 北京晚报 - 阴三 - [说] http://t.co/10pVbSvV
06:51 ♬ #nowplaying 2 Harpsichords/Strings in c BW - J.S. Bach - [The Harpsichord Concertos - Di No.06] http://t.co/nNJZY6WO
06:46 ♬ #nowplaying KREISLER: Captice Viennois - Kreisler - [Original mono recordings No.04] http://t.co/dX1JkUaE
06:43 ♬ #nowplaying Bereite dich, Zion, mit z?rtli - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio No.04] http://t.co/Djldqsn8
06:38 ♬ #nowplaying While Thinking About Her Again - Ennio Morricone - [Cinema Paradiso Special Limite No.03] http://t.co/enVHPXbP
06:36 ♬ #nowplaying Trio Sonata - Allegro - Bach, J.S. - [Musical Offering - Kuijken No.13] http://t.co/HBZ3L25b
06:31 ♬ #nowplaying Einleitung - Richard Strauss - [Also sprach Zarathustra / Don No.01] http://t.co/ugH3wPs9
06:29 ♬ #nowplaying We Can Work It Out - The Beatles - [No.1 No.13] http://t.co/M5mfCniP
06:26 ♬ #nowplaying En cendres - Emilie Simon - [Vegetal No.13] http://t.co/SaHIuEDF
06:22 ♬ #nowplaying Da Jesu geboren war zu Bethleh - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratoriu No.09] http://t.co/IH38VCLH
06:21 ♬ #nowplaying Scream - Avenged Sevenfold - [Live in the LBC No.05] http://t.co/D5hVnBio
06:15 ♬ #nowplaying Here, There and Everywhere - The Beatles - [Love Songs UK No.07] http://t.co/YvNcgKQJ
06:12 ♬ #nowplaying City Of Isabel - Vangelis - [1492 - Conquest Of Paradise No.04] http://t.co/mwBptM1w
06:10 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.16 g-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.32] http://t.co/5iFccC5n
06:08 ♬ #nowplaying 22 - Miss Bailey's Ghost (Play - Alfred Newman - [La Conquista del Oeste CD2 No.22] http://t.co/1tLeczS8
06:07 ♬ #nowplaying Erleucht auch mein finstre Sin - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratoriu No.12] http://t.co/0Be5HUqF
06:02 ♬ #nowplaying A New Swan Queen - 黑天鹅 - [黑天鹅] http://t.co/p073LfNF
05:59 ♬ #nowplaying Long Tall Sally - The Beatles - [Rarities No.17] http://t.co/vqBl2w9G
05:57 ♬ #nowplaying 2 Harpsichords/Strings in c BW - J.S. Bach - [The Harpsichord Concertos - Di No.05] http://t.co/c2ebQUrb
05:51 ♬ #nowplaying Canon perpetuus - Bach, J.S. - [Musical Offering - Kuijken No.16] http://t.co/LIDa5q9R
05:48 ♬ #nowplaying Revolution - The Beatles - [Blue Album 1967-1970 (Disc 1) No.14] http://t.co/flNGvqHe
05:45 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.12 f-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.07] http://t.co/zbbCRtE7
05:43 ♬ #nowplaying BWV 1060, Adagio - Trevor Pinnock et al, English - [Bach, J.S., The Harpsichord Co No.14] http://t.co/s9AWNFUr
05:38 ♬ #nowplaying Concerto in f, BWV 1056*, [wit - Trevor Pinnock et al, English - [Bach, J.S., The Harpsichord Co No.04] http://t.co/ycvnxG1k
05:35 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.8 es-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.31] http://t.co/lcYFDiPP
05:34 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.19 A-du - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.22] http://t.co/OhhD9Avh
05:32 ♬ #nowplaying 01 - Twist And Shout http://t.co/worgzSPl
05:30 ♬ #nowplaying 5-未完成的异域大地图 http://t.co/LahZWQXJ
05:28 ♬ #nowplaying All My Loving - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD2] http://t.co/1uwH0rEs
05:26 ♬ #nowplaying Please Please Me - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/3O8Pk62s
05:24 ♬ #nowplaying A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles - [A Hard Day's Night] http://t.co/6vdhwPsd
05:21 ♬ #nowplaying Making Noise - Damien Rice & The Cheshire Pro - [Songs for Tibet - The Art of P No.07] http://t.co/WBlEqRHc
05:17 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.3 Cis-d - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.22] http://t.co/SMHlKhAr
05:13 ♬ #nowplaying Penny Lane - The Beatles - [Magical Mystery Tour No.09] http://t.co/oQwrWdcH
05:10 ♬ #nowplaying An Owl in a Thornbush - Jeff Beals - [Rome No.04] http://t.co/lpOVrjMP
05:08 ♬ #nowplaying Hey Jude - The Beatles - [ANTHOLOGY 3 CD1] http://t.co/VcSSCbBp
05:04 ♬ #nowplaying Lend Me Your Comb - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/PU914LJ3
05:02 ♬ #nowplaying Speaking Unto Nations (Beethov - Alexandre Desplat - [The King's Speech No.12] http://t.co/EPyW00TC
05:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
04:57 ♬ #nowplaying III.Seqentia - VI.Lacrimosa - Karl Bohm, Wiener Philharmonik - [Mozart: Requiem No.07] http://t.co/TIqUiMGo
04:53 ♬ #nowplaying Afterlife [Alternate Version] - Avenged Sevenfold - [Diamonds in The Rough No.11] http://t.co/5ybKamKh
04:47 ♬ #nowplaying When I'm Sixty-Four - The Beatles - [Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Cl] http://t.co/LNfAq2qf
04:45 ♬ #nowplaying Mein Liebster herrschet schon - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratoriu No.17] http://t.co/1Xnw5zJI
04:44 ♬ #nowplaying All My Loving - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD2] http://t.co/1uwH0rEs
04:42 ♬ #nowplaying It's Only Love - The Beatles - [Help!] http://t.co/6qsvQ59B
04:40 ♬ #nowplaying Fixing A Hole - The Beatles - [Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Cl] http://t.co/BVpqxfrH
04:37 ♬ #nowplaying Se rage et derverie - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.12] http://t.co/MCRGE7gV
04:35 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.22 b-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.28] http://t.co/641kFXSb
04:32 ♬ #nowplaying Cayenne - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/cZltQVLK
04:31 ♬ #nowplaying Till There Was You - The Beatles - [Live At The BBC - CD1] http://t.co/0SdJtVQo
04:28 ♬ #nowplaying The Fight - Avenged Sevenfold - [Diamonds in The Rough No.08] http://t.co/eExhG4f0
04:24 ♬ #nowplaying I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles - [Free As A Bird No.02] http://t.co/Ub254ax0
04:21 ♬ #nowplaying Operation Crossroads - William T. Stromberg - [Trinity and Beyond No.05] http://t.co/FObsPkVD
04:20 ♬ #nowplaying Meco's Theme/3 W. 57 - Meco - [The Best of Meco No.07] http://t.co/pqH79inm
04:15 ♬ #nowplaying Crimson And Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells - [The Boat That Rocked OST No.09] http://t.co/0FISuPhm
04:09 ♬ #nowplaying The Ballad Of John And Yoko - The Beatles - [No.1 No.23] http://t.co/Z6D3G3IE
04:03 ♬ #nowplaying CDImage
02:50 ♬ #nowplaying 18-MAPA魔法学院 http://t.co/TeMeLtpo
02:49 ♬ #nowplaying Sweet Little Sixteen - The Beatles - [THE BEATLES LIVE AT THE BBC (D] http://t.co/HCGRy2v8
02:46 ♬ #nowplaying Tell Me What You See - The Beatles - [Help!] http://t.co/3TDh3hCP
02:44 ♬ #nowplaying Nella Casa... - Ennio Morricone - [Malena OST No.05] http://t.co/LWxkKhAI
02:42 ♬ #nowplaying From Me To You - The Beatles - [A Collection Of Beatles Oldies No.02] http://t.co/E9alEPsN
02:39 ♬ #nowplaying BWV 1057*, Andante - Trevor Pinnock et al, English - [Bach, J.S., The Harpsichord Co No.08] http://t.co/qkbbtTgL
02:35 ♬ #nowplaying Rock And Roll Music - The Beatles - [Anthology 2 CD1] http://t.co/I4l0P68r
02:33 ♬ #nowplaying Rocky Raccoon - The Beatles - [ANTHOLOGY 3 CD1] http://t.co/XBVyPCAc
02:29 ♬ #nowplaying Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold - [Live in the LBC No.03] http://t.co/QySMGF5d
02:22 ♬ #nowplaying Baby's in Black - The Beatles - [Beatles for Sale No.03] http://t.co/yfwM9Zrq
02:19 ♬ #nowplaying Deliverance - YANNI - [Tribute No.01] http://t.co/b6cCN5OB
02:11 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.17 As-d - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.17] http://t.co/cnp9Gz7e
02:08 ♬ #nowplaying Praeludium und Fuge Nr.12 f-mo - Glenn Gould - [J.S.Bach: Das Wohltemperierte No.07] http://t.co/zbbCRtE7
02:06 ♬ #nowplaying 青春の巡礼 - 久石譲 - [男たちの大和 No.19] http://t.co/sztLInvE
02:03 ♬ #nowplaying 15 - Look Up The Number - You - The Beatles - [Past Masters Vol. 2] http://t.co/aBQsXzqO
01:59 ♬ #nowplaying The Way You Look Tonight - 198 - The Beatles - [Turn Me On Dead Man No.13] http://t.co/ppuGlMEP
01:57 ♬ #nowplaying Perfection - 黑天鹅 - [黑天鹅] http://t.co/YFqbvadw
01:52 ♬ #nowplaying That'll Be The Day - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/XVzxVFVl
01:49 ♬ #nowplaying Concerto in D Major BWV 1054: - J. S. Bach - [English Concert, Trevor Pinnoc No.09] http://t.co/z3YfZ087
01:47 ♬ #nowplaying Desert - Emilie Simon - [Emilie Simon No.01] http://t.co/YWQNwF3b
01:43 ♬ #nowplaying The Spoils - Jeff Beals - [Rome No.12] http://t.co/RG0spj4y
01:41 ♬ #nowplaying 23 - Gold Claim - Alfred Newman - [La Conquista del Oeste No.23] http://t.co/cCYP2opW
01:40 #nowplaying What You're Doing - Unreleased - The Beatles - [Turn Me On Dead Man No.11] http://t.co/mCpoGgTe
01:37 #nowplaying 30-热血战队 http://t.co/yZ0Qhpi5
01:34 #nowplaying Norbu Plays - Philip Glass - [Kundun No.09] http://t.co/wKZFbQs1
01:31 #nowplaying Themes from The Wizard of Oz - Meco - [The Best of Meco No.04] http://t.co/lod3lad4
01:28 #nowplaying Chase - Giorgio Moroder - [Midnight Express No.01] http://t.co/nCeFdOa0
01:22 @abingor 幹嘛...
01:18 #nowplaying Telling The World - Taio Cruz - [Rio: Music From The Motion Pic No.07] http://t.co/EVNgHE1L
01:14 #nowplaying 1. To End The Rapture http://t.co/KF4nJPb7
01:12 #nowplaying 04 エレクトロ?ワールド(AlbumVe - Perfume - [Perfume 乣Complete Best乣 No.04] http://t.co/gVqLWqrm
01:07 #nowplaying 紺碧の彷徨 - Michiru Yamane, Yasuhiro Ichih - [Akumajo Dracula Ubawareta koku No.19] http://t.co/9sj1Xq6H
01:05 #nowplaying Lala - Rhythm of the Pride Lands - [Lebo M & Hans Zimmer No.09] http://t.co/x44IPzqr
01:00 #nowplaying Taken - Hans Zimmer - [The Last Samurai No.03] http://t.co/wL19FeB4
00:57 #nowplaying Speech- Brian Epstein - The Beatles - [Anthology 1 CD1] http://t.co/IxThHABZ
00:56 #nowplaying Tuck & Roll - Joseph LoDuca - [Spartacus] http://t.co/xUo7WVW8
00:54 #nowplaying Dame de lotus - Emilie Simon - [Vegetal No.06] http://t.co/8V7Olm6f
00:50 #nowplaying Opium - Emilie Simon - [Vegetal No.05] http://t.co/3nUu6yx6
00:48 #nowplaying Opening(SUPER MARIO 64) - Koji Kondo - [Super Mario Bros. Sound Collec No.26] http://t.co/LaODidbU
00:47 #nowplaying Second Heartbeat - Avenged Sevenfold - [Waking the Fallen No.07] http://t.co/Yv7sI0qC
00:40 #nowplaying 20th Century Fox Fanfare [Alfr - John Williams - [Star Wars: The Empire Strikes No.01] http://t.co/eJWGkj8c
00:39 #nowplaying You Know My Name (Look Up The - The Beatles - [The Beatles Anthology 2 (Disk No.13] http://t.co/1IxsgRjB
00:34 #nowplaying World 4 Map - Super Mario Bros 3 - [Koji Kondo No.19] http://t.co/IlXiodM8
00:32 #nowplaying 冥府への門 - Michiru Yamane, Yasuhiro Ichih - [Akumajo Dracula Ubawareta koku No.09] http://t.co/w7PeIZMZ
23:09 G+: 南方周末 - 深圳警方公布20名打砸者头像并悬赏缉拿 5人自首 http://t.co/80Z268ZO
22:56 RT @linglingfa: 从上海到北京,1小时50分钟。从首都机场到回龙观,3小时40分钟。帝都的交通还能再差一点吗?
20:52 G+: #每日一歌   http://t.co/tZD1xD8I (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack - 17. The Breaking of the Fellowship)
20:19 iOS 版 #Chrome 更新至 21.0.1180.82
20:19 Android 版 #Google Play Books 更新
20:19 #YouTube 视频管理页面和 Google Translator Toolket 整合支持翻译字幕到 300 多种语言 http://t.co/OcgIMOF6
20:19 #Nexus 7 平板在日本发售
20:19 #Google 修改搜索建议反馈页 https://t.co/QiohwrYi
20:19 #Blogspot 向网志作者发送确认电邮
20:19 Mac 平台 #Chrome 稳定版更新至 21.0.1180.90
20:19 #Google 在首页增加连接推广初创公司扶植项目 Google For Entrepreneurs http://t.co/Bv4Cmh8q
20:18 #Google 股价超过历史最高
20:17 Google launches Nexus 7 tablet in Japan - The News International http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:15 Google updates Android books app to match rivals - CNET (blog) http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:15 Google updates Chrome app for iOS 6, makes it friendly with the ... http://t.co/hEPjgPDg
20:14 Stable Channel Update http://t.co/36ng14Vm
20:12 Chrome for iOS Update http://t.co/FXw1r0bc
20:12 Google for Entrepreneurs launching worldwide to serve local communities - ZDNet http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:12 Google stock reaches record high after Citi report - CNET http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:11 Google shares hit all-time high - Chicago Tribune http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:08 YouTube Expands Translation Tools For Video Captions To 300+ Languages http://t.co/szrhj6Hy
20:07 Adobe Launches Hosted PhoneGap Build Service For Creating Cross-Platform Mobile Apps http://t.co/YYZHxBk8
20:06 Google Partners With Startup Weekend, Women 2.0 And Others To Launch Google For Entrepreneurs http://t.co/g43yhgUw
20:03 Google Emails Authorship Confirmations To Bloggers http://t.co/JEVA8Hm9
20:02 iPhone 5 leaks light, say some users http://t.co/ezVaEdxI
20:02 Google Search and Gmail censored in Iran - BBC News http://t.co/41425cpJ
20:01 Google Revises Search Feedback Form? http://t.co/6f2lBzOJ
19:57 Fwd: 美国向亚太增派一支航空母舰战斗群 - http://t.co/tiZBshTX (via http://t.co/soZIHu9I) http://t.co/oA7x8sAO
19:57 Fwd: 甘肅煤礦意外13死7被困[10:53] -... http://t.co/2PAd8lnw
19:56 Fwd: 台船抵釣島3浬 日提抗議[11:10] -... http://t.co/m02pvOg0
17:48 RT @StarKnight: 鉴于近日来用户对iOS6新版地图的抱怨不断,苹果公司准备追究iOS地图资源提供商TomTom以及地图开发团队的责任。不过,此事不了了之,因为苹果没有在找到他们办公室所在地。
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)