
Tweets Diary for 2012/09/24

14:19 RT @BreakingNews: Foxconn temporarily shuts China plant after worker fracas is brought under control - @Bloomberg http://t.co/La55A71M
12:07 RT @slashdot: Riot Breaks Out At Foxconn http://t.co/e0e7WCsp
11:17 G+: 快讯:2艘中国海监船驶入尖阁诸岛海域 | 共同网 http://t.co/W4XkwRjr
11:01 G+: BBC中文网 - 两岸三地 - 王立军叛逃及徇私枉法被判15年 http://t.co/VqKhcFHk
09:51 Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @doodletrackeren @DogTrainingTip3 @EQTW
05:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
00:59 RT @Tkymobile: 昨吉林世纪广场的纪念九.一八反日游行示威中,一男子举起写的是"年年纪念918然而64呢"的纸牌,迅速遭示威人群中的便衣按下并搜身,没收了随身物品及其他几张海报。
23:22 意外收到沒干擾的希望之聲 ω
22:13 @saraxue 有你做現場直播就可以了
22:10 [G] 9 月 23 日: 9 月 23 日 Google 中國宣布 10 月 13 日在北京舉辦谷歌创想时空周开发者日活動 [谷奧] Google News 發布 10 週年 [Official Google Blog]... http://t.co/nNZNg7R9
21:32 原來納米細菌不是細菌
19:54 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/eK7wdUfp (SILICOM (AOKI takamasa & TAKAGI masakatsu) - mry. (from DVD "SILICOM two") 2001)
19:01 "以身試毒!13種藥物影響所畫的自畫像 | 大人物" ( http://t.co/GEFv3PoM )
18:48 How Ridiculous Is It That Apple Maps Redirect To Google Maps On ... http://t.co/2OssAQHT
18:42 #Google 中國宣布 10 月 13 日在北京舉辦谷歌创想时空周开发者日活動 https://t.co/MenSNB14
18:42 #Google News 發布 10 週年
18:38 Google News turns 10 http://t.co/rP37ZE5P
18:29 Fwd: 伊拉克将检查从伊朗飞叙利亚的过境飞机 - http://t.co/y2xzRDQZ (via... http://t.co/JYHHkrGz
18:27 Fwd: 日媒:仍有十中國船近釣島[10:59] -... http://t.co/b2ijWZW7
18:26 Fwd: 中日齟齬 紀念建交慶典喊停 - http://t.co/j5TEFNQL (via http://t.co/VYNRs9ew) http://t.co/OsCG1ljh
18:02 中國取消舉辦日中邦交正常化慶典
17:54 My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Blizzard Entertainment (7), Joel Cohen (6) & Johann Sebastian Bach (5) #Tweekly http://t.co/VuFDkeWG
17:01 #nowplaying Canon a 2 - Bach, J.S. - [Musical Offering - Kuijken No.10] http://t.co/zHtl0avA
16:56 #nowplaying Contrepoint 02 - Bach - [L'art de la Fugue BWV1080 Andr No.03] http://t.co/JNxBXMZa
16:50 #nowplaying Bache bene venies - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.09] http://t.co/2xhW5Wqq
16:47 #nowplaying Pange melos lacrimosum - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.14] http://t.co/9SrpmdIG
16:40 #nowplaying Les un pin verdoyant - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.04] http://t.co/QxSneHHQ
16:39 Check out my music taste on @lastfm http://t.co/59yk5hY6
16:39 #nowplaying Lai mortel - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.03] http://t.co/3xrDh4Le
16:37 #nowplaying Epilogue - Joel Cohen - [Tristan & Iseult No.24] http://t.co/wwHbmyqr
16:35 #nowplaying Desert (Overworld) - [New Super Mario Bros OST No.17] http://t.co/og6sU1wt
16:33 #nowplaying Castle Theme - [New Super Mario Bros OST No.09] http://t.co/58Tz81DP
16:29 #nowplaying Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold - [City of Evil No.04] http://t.co/NdCZOx5P
16:23 #nowplaying Trashed and Scattered - Avenged Sevenfold - [City of Evil No.05] http://t.co/DwaPkPJd
16:15 測試 #nowplaying Und sie gebar ihren ersten Soh - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio No.06] http://t.co/AApRyXSR
16:14 #nowplaying Und es waren Hirten in derselb - The Netherlands Bach Society - [J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio No.11] http://t.co/nfaFxi9P
15:24 RT @shizhao: 靠,这个月第三次账号被入侵!
15:23 @pubuhan Chrome 只保留現在正在用的 theme 啊, 沒有切換功能, 你要切換就把 theme 文件另存下來, 用的時候拖進 Chrome 就可以了~
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)

