11:22 | RT @chemhack: 这是变相吐槽水果地图空荡荡吧?《研究发现苹果地图数据流量比谷歌地图小得多》 |
09:52 | Moses' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz ▸ Top stories today via @ChrisLietze |
05:00 | BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j |
04:39 | glutard: One who does not possess the enzymes necessary to digest gluten, a main ingredient in wheat products. |
04:31 | Ambush TV: When television shows you unpleasant images without any warning. |
03:07 | watched movie "Agneepath" (2012), too long... |
23:42 | G+: BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 特写:日本90后眼中的"尖阁诸岛" http://t.co/P3DdYf1m |
23:39 | @abingor 你幹的 |
23:30 | G+: BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 美农场主被猪吃掉 警方开展调查 http://t.co/Wmx4fR8t |
22:00 | 奇遇台師大前任校長郭先生並短暫對話...而且見到時不認得, 後來查了才知道..... |
20:41 | G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/ZT3MwQ0y (トラック - world's end girlfriend - Dreams End Come True) |
20:28 | #YouTube 与 abc 合作将首次直播总统大选辩论 |
20:28 | #Google Apps 增加域管理员用 Gmail Labs 管理介面 |
20:28 | #Google Tag Manager 服务发布 http://t.co/fbeLMLIO |
20:28 | #Google 市值超越 Microsoft 成为全球科技行业第二 |
20:28 | #Google AdWords 增加广告旋转选项 |
20:28 | #Google BigQuery 更新, 增加 JSON 支持 http://t.co/j3WXFXUa |
20:28 | #Google Catalogs 改版, 增加全互联网零售分类 http://t.co/G3Apn4Q5 |
20:27 | #Google 收购 Android 视觉技术应用初创公司 Viewdle http://t.co/r6wz71Ui |
20:24 | An update on ad rotation options http://t.co/qJslc4f6 |
20:22 | Google Reportedly Acquires Viewdle for At Least $30 Million http://t.co/TacdxC9v |
20:20 | Google BigQuery updates: Faster, easier and more data formats http://t.co/7MVrW4Lb |
20:17 | Browse your favorite catalogs on the web http://t.co/I7X9IL5D |
20:15 | YouTube Partners With ABC News To Offer Its First-Ever Live Stream Of The U.S. Presidential Debates http://t.co/NRfqZnkE |
20:13 | Google Now More Valuable Than Microsoft http://t.co/qpsls5Y7 |
20:11 | Google Wants To Make Your Site a Little Bit Faster With Its New Tag Manager For Analytics And Marketing Tags http://t.co/ZUd9oY5v |
20:04 | Gmail Advanced Labs Management http://t.co/ESeNtLAZ |
19:56 | YouTube to air presidential debates live on Elections page http://t.co/nDIWbygV |
19:51 | Fwd: 陸船頻近釣島 日外相籲自制 - http://t.co/fmHu6ZNv (via http://t.co/0QX3ePNn) http://t.co/Wjmaqacz |
19:50 | Fwd: 香港撞船事故 涉案两船6人被捕 - http://t.co/nFFxY5HH (via... http://t.co/FkskYidK |
19:50 | Fwd: 西安日系车主李建利被砸穿颅骨案嫌犯落网 - http://t.co/Cdc7zlnv (via http://t.co/egDYG6ya) http://t.co/IUVrbEiI |
Tweets Diary for 2012/10/03
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