
Tweets Diary for 2013/02/13

14:27 補丁日
13:54 uploaded ``Chinese Robot on 5232 kHz / 中国机器人在 5232kHz'' : http://t.co/c9CsZ6Mv via @youtube
12:43 RT @KyodoChinese: 日本环境省公开的PM2.5数值有误 现已删除:日本环境省12日透露,公开的8个都府县共30个观测点监测到的"PM2.5"浓度数值均发现问题。环境省官网当天在新开设的特别专栏披露该数值,但晚间已全部.. http://t.co/D8XJxeLV
09:59 *Moses*' Paper is out! http://t.co/19upVGbU ▸ Top stories today via @VOTChinese @KaurJmeb @flypig
05:00 Bitcoin Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
04:47 @abingor 你就喜欢看首相干猪 →_→
04:34 sexit: v. to make a hasty exit whilst in the act of intercourse
04:03 G+: 英国发现类似SARS新病毒 已致1人死亡_新闻_腾讯网 http://t.co/iOC9my2z
03:20 @abingor 才不是 😒
03:12 又在放奇怪的动画片... http://t.co/SgvMpkfm
02:22 KBS 不说核试验, 却在演蜗牛... http://t.co/UkeRkH12
01:16 RT @BreakingNews: UN Security Council strongly condemns North Korean nuclear test and pledges further action - @AP
00:09 uploaded "朝鮮之聲中文新聞宣布第三次核試驗成功" : http://t.co/vRGRPswz via @youtube
23:40 马化腾现身微博澄清去世谣言...
23:38 麻花疼死了 = =?
22:58 [G] 2 月 12 日: 2 月 12 日 首個 Nexus 4 电视广告播出 [Pocket-lint] Google Reader 对一些用户出现故障 [c|net] Google Play 发布官方 Nexus 4... http://t.co/1cRj34rL
21:21 Chubby Monday : The unofficial holiday before Fat Tuesday and following Tubby Sunday.
21:20 Adderall Nighter:Consuming amounts of the prescription ADD/ADHD medication Adderall in order 2 stay up all night and accomplish a given task
21:08 catfun 和 acfun 是甚麼关係, 另外為甚麼没有 dogfun...
19:34 G+: #每日一歌   http://t.co/5iexzTJU (Ludovico Einaudi - Nightbook (new album Nightbook))
19:01 首個 #Nexus 4 电视广告播出
19:01 #Google Reader 对一些用户出现故障
19:01 #Google Play 发布官方 Nexus 4 用无线充电器 http://t.co/fBjMlanV
19:00 缅甸记者的 #Gmail 据报遭到入侵
18:58 Google Reader goes haywire for many users http://t.co/1UVJ5k5f
18:54 Google sells Nexus 4 wireless charger for $60 http://t.co/HoB8uRk6
18:52 Gmail of journalists in Myanmar said to be hacked - CNET http://t.co/41425cpJ
18:50 Google airs Nexus 4 commercial showing off Google Now during the ... http://t.co/7PIe8UPD
18:47 G+: 朝鲜核试验:中国"坚决反对" - BBC中文网 - 国际 http://t.co/fhkDi1ww
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)

