10:00 | *Moses*' Paper is out! http://t.co/19upVGbU ▸ Top stories today via @goldengrape @Fan_HilaryDuff |
07:00 | Bitcoin Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j |
06:56 | gnuradio 终於編譯好了 -_-!! |
05:58 | RT @BreakingNews: Oracle confirms latest Java 7 vulnerability and announces 'a fix will be available shortly' http://t.co/9kwmkRvx |
04:18 | @pubuhan 快庆祝 |
00:06 | Just posted a photo http://t.co/RFHPFSYv |
00:05 | Just posted a photo http://t.co/Q8hyrmdS |
00:03 | Just posted a photo http://t.co/SfGeUMaO |
22:31 | 收到一個群求共同进行克隆人的信息 -_-!!! |
22:21 | [G] 1 月 12 日: 1 月 12 日 Google 泰国庆祝泰国儿童节 This post has been generated by Page2RSS http://t.co/IiX53iTd |
22:07 | RT @BeijingAir: 01-12-2013 20:00; PM2.5; 886.0; 755; Beyond Index |
21:58 | I've just watched episode S01E39 of Saint Seiya Omega on #tvshowtime ! http://t.co/bp9ukckV |
21:58 | I've just watched episode S02E10 of Star Trek: Enterprise on #tvshowtime ! http://t.co/OIk5GjzP |
21:55 | [G] 1 月 12 日: 1 月 12 日 Google 泰国更改 Logo 庆祝泰国儿童节 [Google Logo ミュージアム] Google 发布电子消费点卷服务 Zavers [Google Commerce ... http://t.co/6yYdnlTK |
21:38 | @goldengrape <BR><BR> *[1-9].\. 不知道符合不符合你的要求... |
20:43 | RT @VOTChinese: 西藏夏河县一藏人自焚身亡这是在 2013 年发生的第一起自焚事件 http://t.co/6OkO4Xmb |
20:41 | G+: Voice of Tibet http://t.co/JSTQB833 |
20:41 | G+: 越南雇佣"网络水军"控制言论 - BBC中文网 - 简要新闻 http://t.co/kBHrUvLR |
20:41 | G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/C6eHxDY8 (Dj Mad Dog - Game Over (feat. Amnesys)) |
20:31 | Google smart: When someone has to google a topic, then post the information, as if they came up with it all on their own. |
20:06 | #Google 泰国更改 Logo 庆祝泰国儿童节 |
20:06 | #Google 发布电子消费点卷服务 Zavers http://t.co/arOfKQ2u |
20:06 | iOS 版 #Google+ 应用更新至 4.2.0 |
20:06 | 面向 Chromebooks 的 #Chrome beta 版更新至 23.0.1271.111 (平台版本: 2913.331.0) |
20:05 | #Google 董事会主席在中国北京与中国开发者参加交流活动 |
20:04 | Google Thailand Logo – Uphold Discipline, Enhance Knowledge and Bring Thailand towards Asean http://t.co/ct1yX1I8 |
20:02 | Beta Channel Update for Chrome OS http://t.co/HdcWUX7s |
19:59 | Introducing Zavers by Google — helping retailers and manufacturers deliver relevant coupons to shoppers http://t.co/1GntdZFL |
18:15 | RT @blogtd: 所有的图片社交软件都应该加一个名叫「北京的天」的图片滤镜。 |
18:15 | RT @huoouh: 三里屯的天是晴朗的天,说瞎话的群众好喜欢 |
17:23 | 北京 PM2.5 达到 845 的创纪录高度 |
17:22 | RT @BeijingAir: 01-12-2013 16:00; PM2.5; 845.0; 728; Beyond Index |
15:25 | @pubuhan 那你快變成墳~~ |
Tweets Diary for 2013/01/13
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