
Tweets Diary for 2012/11/04

14:03 才知道 B12 已�生效了
09:47 *Moses*' Paper is out! http://t.co/XiWfwtAz
07:58 Workjacked: This occurs when u complete an assignment&a supervisor or other employee claims the credit for the work accomplished. Short: WJ
07:00 BTC Donation to Support My Tweets : 18yHHnZuQeFK8z9KPNohz5qwhCsb8GAw7j
03:46 电脑音箱开着就收到了电台...
01:42 罗姆尼看到就烦...欧巴马也只比罗姆尼好一点点而已, 我现在更认同自由党~
20:40 [G] 11 月 3 日: 11 月 3 日 Google 将城市主题入口网站转移到 Google+ 上 [Search Engine Land] Google 在纽约曼哈顿的数据中心在飓风 Sandy 袭击中险些断电 [... http://t.co/qrYQ1MXd
20:20 G+: #每日一歌 http://t.co/hSDrHlzD (Daniel Lenz - Stuck in a dream (FA-Edit) [Project X])
19:29 #Google 将城市主题入口网站转移到 Google+ 上
19:28 #Google 在纽约曼哈顿的数据中心在飓风 Sandy 袭击中险些断电
19:28 面向 Chromebooks 的 #Chrome 稳定版更新至 23.0.1271.83 (平台版本: 2913.157.0)
19:25 Google Starts Shutting Down Its City Pages, Shifts To Google+ Local http://t.co/V3ZRkNi7
19:20 The Sandy effect: how Manhattan looks on Foursquare after a hurricane http://t.co/V3Vbagjb
19:18 "Why Manhattan Is the Worst Place for a Data Center — and the Best | Wired Enterprise | http://t.co/GQKZZKjI" ( http://t.co/K23KCooU )
19:13 Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS http://t.co/fGlE17Sq
19:11 Introducing TCP Listen, a new API for Chrome packaged apps http://t.co/Y32FjGwH
19:10 RT @xyz98: 十八大期间游船停航 http://t.co/IXviaplQ ——太有趣了,这是为了防止他人开“一大”吗?
18:57 法轮功背景媒体全部都在支持温家宝...
Mosesofmason on Twitter (twitter2blogger)

